The Bell Rings! The Battle Is Ended! Victory Is Ours!
Today, Cristian rang the bell signifying victory in his battle with B-Cell Acute Lymphoblasic Leukemia! His last dose of chemo was on Saturday, July 1. This battle raged for over 2 years since his diagnosis on April 16, 2021. Both memories and scars remain as a testament to the courage and valor with which Cristian vanquished this foe. He also had an amazing cast of support in this struggle. Below are some photos of just a small portion of the amazing people that joined this battle with him. We are grateful to each and every one that helped our little boy defeat this disease.
Cristian is a bit shy, so he had his big sis escort him to the bell.
Note – as we are still gathering pictures and videos, this page may be periodically updated.
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